When you talk to a college coach on the phone or on a campus visit, he or she will ask if you have any questions and the end of the conversation.
You will feel awkward if you don’t have questions prepared.
The following is a list of important factors and potential questions for each. I will add to this list over time.
- Are there other players in the program that have my major?
- Will you describe the academic/athletic balance at your school?
- How do you support your players academically?
- Do you organize team study tables?
- What types of academic support are available?
- How much class will I have to miss for athletics?
- Are the professors understanding when I have to miss class for athletics?
- What was the team average GPA last year?
Athletic Training
- Is there an athletic trainer dedicated to the team?
- Is there an athletic trainer at all practices and games?
- What does rehab look like for injured players?
- What does preventative care look like for athletes?